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内蒙古包头市青山区海峰建材购销中心成立于2010年,位于110国道赵家店工业园区,总占地面积达2600m2以上。海峰建材为海峰祥企业主打品牌之首。是继包头市海峰塑料制品有限责任公司与包头市胜凯贸易有限责任公司之后又成立的一家以批发销售为主体的大型商业企业。供应商包括国内一些知名企业,销售涵盖包头市及周边市、区、旗、县。诚信重于山,责任大于天, 我们将在原来所建立的良好信誉之上,更好的坚持创品牌,重服务。尽可能为广大客户提供优质低廉的商品,并及时送货上门来满足用户的需求的宗旨。


Castle Peak District, Baotou City, Inner Harbour Heights ? building materials sales center was established in 2010, Zhao shop at 110 State Road Industrial Park, the total area of ??2600m 2 or more. Haifeng building materials as "Haifeng Cheung enterprise" flagship brand of the first. Is the second Baotou City Haifeng Plastic Products Co., Ltd. and Baotou City wins Kai Trade Co., Ltd. and later set up a wholesale sales as the main large-scale commercial enterprises. Suppliers, including some well-known domestic enterprises, sales covering Baotou City and the surrounding city, district, flag and counties. "Integrity is more important than mountains, the responsibility is greater than days", we will establish a good reputation originally on top, better adherence to the "brand, heavy service." As possible for our customers with quality affordable products, and timely delivery to meet the needs of users purpose.

At this point - I believe your accumulation of wealth will never go hand in hand with our cooperation!

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