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  • 公司: 厦门恒宇星光电科技有限公司
  • 地址: 厦门市集美区杏北二路
  • 联系: 李岩
  • 手机:
  • 电话: 0592-8952794
  • 一键开店

厦门恒宇星光电科技有限公司——致力于LED节能照明、太阳能和风能环保能源产品的研发、设计、生产和销售。公司成立于2009年,由一支从事光电行业和环保能源应用行业多年的专业人员组建。成熟的技术力量、专注的产业精神、铸就专业的产品品质。公司坚守“品质成就品牌、服务提升品牌”的科学理念;坚持“科技创新,稳健发展,以人为本”的管理思想;遵循“诚信经营、用心服务”的原则;力求的产品质量、的商业信誉来塑造的企业形象。公司通过了ISO9001:2008国际质量体系认证,产品先后通过了欧洲CE标准认证、美国FCC标准认证、欧盟ROHS标准认证和国家质量监督检验院检测,是“福建省光电行业协会”和“厦门市光电行业协会”会员单位。公司主要产品有LED路灯、LED景观灯、LED室内照明产品、太阳能电池板、太阳能供电系统、风光互补供电系统、应急电源等,产品广泛应用在道路照明、景观照明、通讯基站、海上作业、森林监控、岛屿供电、草原供电等各大领域。公司同国内外高等院校、科研机构建立了广泛而又密切的联系,从而保证了企业的可持续发展和产品在技术上的性。目前.公司产品已销往欧美、东南亚、非洲、中国大陆、台湾等多个国家和地区。 Star Power Technology Co.. Ltd.XiamenHengyu - dedicated to LED energy efficient lighting. solar and wind energygreen energy product development. design. production and sales.

Founded in 2009. by a team in the application of photovoltaic energyindustry and environmental professionals in industry for many years set up.Mature technology. the industry focus on the spirit. cast of professionalquality.

Adhere to the "quality makes the brand and service to enhance thebrand" the scientific concept; adhere to the "technologicalinnovation. healthy development. people-oriented" management thinking;follow the "business integrity. intentions" of the principle; classproduct quality. excellent business reputation to create first-class corporateimage.

Company passed the ISO9001: 2008 international quality systemcertification. the product has passed the European CE standard certification.the U.S. FCC standard certification. the EU ROHS standard certification and thestate quality supervision. inspection testing. is "Optical IndustryAssociation of Fujian Province" and "Xiamenoptoelectronic Industry Association."member units.

Our main products are LED lights. LED landscape lamp. LED indoor lightingproducts. solar panels. solar power systems. wind hybrid power supply system.emergency power supplies. which are widely used in road lighting. landscapelighting. communication base stations. offshore operations . forest monitoring.island power supply. power supply and other major areas of grassland.

Companies with domestic and foreign universities. research institutionshave established extensive and close contact. thus ensuring the sustainabledevelopment of enterprises and products of the technical leader. At present.the company's products have been sold toEurope.America.Southeast Asia.Africa.China.Taiwanand other countries and regions.

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