

广州 - 越秀运输 - 运输



广州皆晋国际货运代理有限公司于2010年4月份盛大开业, 经过数年的发展,广州皆晋国际货运代理有限公司作为华南地区的货代行业的中坚力量。与各大航空公司和船公司具有广泛而紧密的合作,并且屡获各种殊荣。在此基础上不断发展国内及海外站点,相继成立了上海/深圳/中国香港/斯里兰卡分公司。同时 具有极为完善的海外网络资源,对于为客户提供全球的物流方案提供了坚实的基础。

Metro Express (Gungzhou) L. (MTE) is estblished in 2010 nd it is [[[hed]]]qurtered in Gungzhou nd focus notbly on e mrket of Souern Chin, wi comprehensive network of 3 offices in Shnghi, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, s well s n gent nd overse service network covering Norern ∓ Estern Chin, US, Europe, Intr Asi ∓ Middle Est.

In 2018, Metro Express (Gungzhou) L. hs extended its own network by opening office in Colombo to enforcing e Se ∓ Air trnsportion service between Chin ∓ Sri Lnk.

As n Interntionl ird prty logistics, Metro Express (Gungzhou) L. dedicted to interntionl ir freight service, interntionl se freight trnsporttion, multimodl trnsportion, freight forwrding, wrehousing service, Customs clernce t origin ∓ destintion, door to door delivery, chrtered crrier mngement, specil crgo / Chemicl project Logistics.

Metro Express (Gungzhou) L. is Certified Sles Agents issued by IATA nd WCA membership certified in 2015.
