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  • 公司: 保定科天模具制造有限公司
  • 地址: 河北省保定市清苑区闫庄乡南闫庄村
  • 联系: 梁文华
  • 手机: 13932290470
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2022-02-07 02:30:01  263次浏览 次浏览
价 格:600

在行业应用上,高速防撞墙模具主要应用在各种类型公路建设中,有效保护公路两侧来往车辆的行车,有效避免它们受到外界车辆的撞击,避免发生不必要的交通事故,保护了出行人员的人身和财产。下面以高速公路上的高速防撞墙模具为例,水泥和混凝土材质可以为高速防撞墙模具提供稳定的化学性能和物理性能,而高速防撞墙模具一般需要企业用户提供产品规格和相关施工需求,通常情况下,高速防撞墙模具的高度一般为1米,1.5米,长度为2米,1.5米,4米为一节。高速防撞墙模具由于其整体位于高速公路中央隔离带位置,以内对于其几何尺寸、表面光洁度、整体平整度等各项质量指标都提出了非常高的要求,需要生产企业根据应用的施工范围不同,设计合理的多种类型,多种样式的高速防撞墙模具。20211201_094435_018.jpgIn terms of industrial application, the high-speed anti-collision wall mold is mainly used in various types of highway construction to effectively protect the driving safety of vehicles on both sides of the highway, effectively prevent them from being impacted by external vehicles and avoid accidents

Necessary safety traffic accidents protect the personal safety and property safety of travelers. Taking the high-speed anti-collision wall mold on the expressway as an example, the cement and concrete materials can provide stable service for the high-speed anti-collision wall mold

Chemical and physical properties, and high-speed anti-collision wall molds generally require enterprise users to provide product specifications and relevant construction requirements. Generally, the height of high-speed anti-collision wall molds is generally 1m, 1.5m and 2m

, 1.5m, 4m is a section. Because the high-speed anti-collision wall mold is located in the central isolation belt of expressway, non-standard requirements are put forward for its geometric size, surface finish, overall flatness and other quality indexes

According to the high requirements, the production enterprises need to design various types and styles of high-speed anti-collision wall molds reasonably according to the different construction scope of application.

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