太阳神鸟金饰 2001 年出土于成都金沙遗址,是21世纪我国考古的一个重大发现。太阳神鸟图案构图严谨、线条流畅、极富美感。四只神鸟绕日飞行,以太阳为中心喷薄出十二道光芒,象征一年四季和十二个农历节气;是古代人民“天人合一”的哲学思想和丰富的想像力、非凡的艺术创造力与精湛的工艺水平完美结合;体现了中华民族自强不息、昂扬向上的精神风貌。
Sun and Magic Birds
The Gold Band with Sun and Magic Birds, unearthed in 2001 from the Jinsha Relics Site ofChengdu, is a major archaeological discovery of in the 21St century. The pattern of the gold band isfeatured by precise composition, smooth lines and aesthetic values. On the band, the four magic birdsflying around the sun and the 12 rays spurted from the sun symbolize the four seasons and twelve solarterms in the traditional Chinese calendar. Integrated with the philosophical thought of 'Unity of Heavenand Man', rich imagination, extraordinary artistic creativity and exquisite technological level of theancient Chinese people, the band highlighted the spiritual outlook of the Chinese Nation strivingconstantly to become er and always in high spirits.In order to reflect the value of the pattern as a historical and cultural heritage, Sichuan Brocadeexperts, through research and development for more than one year, have made the pattern available onSichuan Brocade with their unique esoteric technique for making the ancient Sichuan Brocade. Theedge of the pattern is covered by multiple-layer of wefts, which serve as a foil to set off the patternwarpwise, and a magic tree serves as a support to the flaming sun. The mysterious and harmoniousheaven, earth, birds, man, god and nature on the pattern imply light, life and eternal universe. Withprofound historical, cultural and artistic connotations, the pattern of 'Sun and Magic Birds' is arepresentative work of the traditional crafts of Chengdu and also the best blessing for the people in theworld.
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